Completed Projects

proGreenCity (EU-funded Project 2011-2014)

Utilizing simulations, the efficiency of the newly developed PROGREENcity technologies regarding their micro-climatic effects (cooling effect, insulation effect, climate improvements) and their ability to absorb particulate matter are publicly traceable online.

The actual gauging stations in the form of inhabited, greened Microhouses are situated in 3 European cities, representing different climate zones: Vienna (Austria), Bottrop (Germany) and Madrid (Spain). The measurement results of the houses can be observed under

The measurement results as well as the evaluation of the experience accounts of the tenants provide an extensive data set, which builds the basis of a focused planning strategy for the effective processing of urban environmental problems under site-specific circumstances. The accumulated data are aimed to convince politicians, architects and planners, municipalities and the public of the need for green constitution of future cities, with PROGREENcity providing the means.

Parallelisation ENVI-met

Development and implementation of parallel procedures for the micro scale climate model ENVI-met and MISKAM (funded through the exploratory focus “Computerized Research Methods in Natural Sciences”

Green4Cities (EU-funded Project 2012-2015)

Development of an evaluation tool for green infrastructure and their positive effects derived for cities worldwide.

The Green4cities project aims to develop a worldwide applicable evaluation method and planning tool called Green pass to help reduce the negative impacts of urban areas and local climate as heat stress, nocturnal heat island and pluvial flooding, achieved with minimum input of resources. It shall boost the implementation of green infrastructures (GI) in cities, the quality, attractiveness and competitiveness of urban form and will create revenue and jobs for the SME partners in the project.

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KLIMES (2005-2009)

"Strategies and concepts for urban planning to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate extremes on human comfort and public health in cities" (funded by the BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

Im Zentrum des BMBF-Projekts KLIMES wurden stadtplanerische Strategien entwickelt, um die negativen Folgen des Klimawandels in Städten zu mindern. Dazu wurde das Mikroklimamodell ENVI-met ( so weiter entwickelt, dass es möglich ist, auf der Architekturebene die Auswirkungen von baulichen Veränderungen auf das Stadtklima zu analysieren. Neben der Veränderung von einzelnen Gebäuden können auch die Materialeigenschaften von Häuserwänden beliebig modifiziert werden. Somit können auch Einflüsse kleinskaliger Maßnahmen wie Sonnensegel, Fassadenbegrünung oder Pergolen explizit simuliert werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Umweltmeteorologie der Universität Kassel und der Meteorologie und Klimatologie der Universität Freiburg wurden Klimamessungen durchgeführt und für vier Quartiere in Freiburg aktuelle und zukünftige Klimaszenarien entwickelt. Nach der Analyse der Klimasimulation durch ENVI-met wurden die Gebiete stadtplanerisch optimiert und Vergleiche zwischen den Simulationen angestellt. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts sind unter anderem im Leitfaden für klimawandelgerechtes Planen und Bauen zusammengefasst.

Link:  Klimes

Universität Mainz Presse

BUGS (2001-2004)

"Benefits of Urban Green Spaces" (funded by the 5th EU Framework Programme)

The inter-related issues of urban sprawl, traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution are major socio-economic problems faced by most European cities. The main objective of BUGS is to develop an integrated methodology to assess the role of green space in alleviating the adverse effects of urbanisation. Addressing the impact of green areas on such diverse areas as traffic flows and emissions, air quality, microclimate, noise, accessibility, economic efficiency, and social well-being, this methodology will allow to deduce a set of guidelines regarding the use of green space as a design tool for urban planning, at scales ranging from a street canyon or a park to an entire urban region. Potential end-users are actively involved to help focus and steer the work. Supported by a marketing strategy, the ultimate goal is to turn the methodology into a self-sustaining activity, to be offered as a service to urban and regional authorities in Europe.

Link:  BUGS